本文共 2796 字,大约阅读时间需要 9 分钟。
使用 <script>
标签引入 SDK 时,产生名为ArRTM
npm install --save ar-rtc-sdk;import ArRTC from "ar-rtc-sdk"; //导入RTC项目复制代码
//创建本地视图const localplayer = $(``);$("#remote-playerlist").append(localplayer);// create ArRTC clientclient = await ArRTC.createClient({ mode: "rtc", codec: "h264"});// add event listener to play remote tracks when remote user publishs.client.on("user-published", handleUserPublished);client.on("user-unpublished", handleUserUnpublished);//当前输入媒体流的状态。client.on("stream-inject-status", handleInjectStatus);// join a channel and create local tracks, we can use Promise.all to run them concurrently[options.uid, localTracks.audioTrack, localTracks.videoTrack] = await Promise.all([ // join the channel client.join(options.appid, options.channel, options.token || null, options.uid || null), // create local tracks, using microphone and camera ArRTC.createMicrophoneAudioTrack(), ArRTC.createCameraVideoTrack()]); localTracks.videoTrack.play("local-player");复制代码
function handleUserPublished(user, mediaType) { const id = user.uid; remoteUsers[id] = user;//存放用户相关视频信息 subscribe(user, mediaType);//订阅用户发布的视频流}复制代码
function handleUserUnpublished(user) { const id = user.uid; delete remoteUsers[id];//删除用户相关视频信息 $(`#player-wrapper-${ id}`).remove();}复制代码
async function subscribe(user, mediaType) { const uid = user.uid; // subscribe to a remote user await client.subscribe(user, mediaType); if (mediaType === "video") { const player = $(`` ); $("#remote-playerlist").append(player); user.videoTrack.play(`player-${ uid}`); } if (mediaType === "audio") { user.audioTrack.play(); }}复制代码remoteUser(${
// 地址$("#url").val() ? options.url = $("#url").val() : options.url = $("#url")[0].placeholder;const injectStreamConfig = { width: 0, height: 0, videoGop: 30, videoFramerate: 100, videoBitrate: 3500, audioSampleRate: 44100, audioChannels: 1,};await client.addInjectStreamUrl(options.url, injectStreamConfig);复制代码
await client.removeInjectStreamUrl();复制代码
作者:anyRTC 张耀